The BCBA administering your RBT Competency Assessment will inform you ahead of time which materials you are required to bring, or documents to print out, for your meeting.
Although the BCBA administering your assessment will not directly ask you to provide the definition of RBT Competency Assessment Task List items, you need to have a clear understanding of all the terms. What they will ask you is to provide an example, role-play and/or demonstration one or more terms within each Task List item.
We all feel anxious when preparing for an exam. Don't worry though, if you happen to not pass the RBT Competency Assessment the first time, you can repeat the portion you did not pass again, as many times as you need until you pass, for free!
NOTE: This is a service only offered by ATCC - RBT Competency Assessment Package
Task List Item #1 Continuous Measurement: Implement continuous measurement (e.g., frequency, duration, latency, IRT).
Term: Frequency
Administration Type: Demonstration with Role-Play
1. BCBA asks RBT candidate to take frequency data on how many times she says the word 'flower' in a set time period.
2. RBT candidate tallies the number of times 'flower' was said by the administering BCBA and provides a total number.
3. BCBA may further ask the RBT candidate to find the rate if the frequency count was to occur across a 2 hour time period.
Frequency/ Time= Rate
For example:
If 'flower' was said 14 times over a 2 hour period, 14 (frequency) / 2 (time) = 7 times per hour (rate).
Task List Item #18 Professional Boundaries: Provide examples of how to maintain professional boundaries.
Term: Professional Boundaries
Administration Type: Interview with Examples
1. BCBA asks RBT candidate to give examples of how they would maintain professional boundaries in their role as a RBT.
2. RBT candidate response would be to list a few of the the following to avoid:
Using a program that is top-rated, pass guaranteed, and uses the BACB 2nd ed. RBT Task List can make all the difference in your ability to succeed in becoming a RBT. The Rapid RBT Exam Prep will prepare you for both the BACB RBT Competency Assessment & BACB RBT Certification Examination!
This program is much more than a long list of practice test questions, it's a thorough review of the full list of RBT Task List items organized in order! It's complete with easy to comprehend definitions, tons of scenario examples, video clips and multiple choice questions.
Enter Code: SAVE30 at check out to receive an additional $30 off - Rapid RBT Exam Prep today!
It's important to remember that your RBT Competency Assessment must be completed and competency determined by a BCBA assessor no later than 90 days prior to submitting your completed application (i.e., trainee portion, assessor portion and payment).